National Honor Society
Students who have a grade-point average of 3.2 after their freshman year can apply for admission to the school's National Honor Society (NHS) chapter. Applications are available during First Term and during the beginning of Winter Term from NHS officers and the faculty advisors. Students are considered for admission by a faculty board based on the following areas: scholarship, leadership, character, and service.
Applications for the NHS are accepted twice per academic year (typically during First Term and Winter Term). Inductions take place in the Fall and Winter Terms. Application cycles are announced by NHS officers in Convocation, and applications can be obtained from the President.
The NHS is led by four student officers – President, Vice President of Tutoring, Vice President of Service, and Secretary. A member is eligible to apply for an officer position after one semester of membership. NHS members are required to perform 14 hours of service each semester. This service includes tutoring at St. Benedict’s, support of charitable efforts, helping around the school, and service that takes place out in the community. Members are also required to remain on the Honor Roll and be examples of honorable behavior. Questions about the St. Benedict’s Chapter of the National Honor Society may be directed to its faculty advisor Rich Gallerani (
National Junior Honor Society
St. Benedict's chapter of the National Junior Honor Society is for 7th and 8th graders who are eligible. It is moderated by Middle Division math teacher Jenny Ramos (