
Students in graduation
Our youngest Gray Bees! 2022-23 Kindergarten Class

Elementary Division

The early years are the most formative years of education and the Elementary Division at St. Benedict's Prep makes the most of them. Our K-6 program combines nurturing classrooms, robust academics, and the practice of Values + Faith that children experience daily as a division and K-12 community. To apply for Kindergarten, children must be age 5 by October 1. To apply for First Grade, children must be age 6 by October 1.

Check back for upcoming Open House Dates



Leadership Starts Early at The Hive!

Elementary Division student-leaders

Elementary Division Co-Leaders and Grade Leaders serve as role models while being of service to others. Read what Elementary Division Co-Leaders Sophia and Nigel had to say about leadership in a recent issue of St. Benedict's Prep magazine.


Contact Ms. Doris Lamourt
Admissions Office

(973) 792-5744