- Buzz From The Hive
A Wider World View
Bicycling to school. Fútbol matches. Pannenkoeken (pancake) parties. A visit to Amsterdam’s Anne Frank Museum. Twelve Gray Bees stepped out of their comfort zones and gained a wider world perspective when the Netherlands Exchange with Supreme College (formerly Jac P. Thijsse College) restarted in February. The international exchange was paused for two years due to COVID-19. Students from the Girls and Boys Prep Divisions were warmly welcomed by their Dutch hosts and resided with Supreme College families for the week, which allowed them to become fully immersed in the culture. St. Benedict’s reciprocated the hospitality. The group of students from the Netherlands arrived on March 19.
Gray Bees kept personal journals of the Netherlands Exchange for The Benedict News Online. Supreme College student Sophianne Tervoot wrote about the Netherlands students' experience in a guest post on March 31.
- Buzz From The Hive
- Magazine