
Students in graduation

Health Services

A full time registered nurse staffs each of the SBP Infirmaries during the school day. All medical concerns, health forms, medications and special medical needs are handled by them.
The goal of our health services is to strengthen and facilitate the educational process by improving and protecting the health of students, faculty and staff.

Any questions or concerns please contact:
Elementary Division- Carol Hunter, RN or 973-792-2306

Middle and Prep Division/ Magnus Administrator- Mai-Lan Moore, RN
 or 973-792-5782 

As you have already become familiar with our FACTS Student Information System, it is also important to learn about The Magnus Student Information System. Magnus is the system SBP uses for student medical information, consents, waivers, permission, forms, etc. There are many benefits to this including less paperwork for parents to complete each year and having more accurate information that is accessible to parents and the appropriate employees at our school. As this is a web-based system, you will have continuous access to your child’s health record as well as the ability to make updates when needed.

Magnus Health for First Time Users

Create Your Magnus Health Portal

Click Here

  1. Log on to Parents Web
  2. Click on the Medical Tab
  3. You will see a link to Magnus Health
  4. Continue with above instructions