
Students in graduation

Core Values

In all we are and do at St. Benedict’s Prep, we are guided by the perspectives and values of our Christian faith and Benedictine principles, and believe that the primary purpose and meaning of all human activity is its spiritual dimension.

We believe that:

  • Each student is an important and irreplaceable child of God with inestimable value, whose uniqueness is to be embraced by the community.
  • “Whatever hurts my brother or sister hurts me,” and “Whatever helps my brother or sister helps me.”
  • True community is founded on concern for and acceptance of others, self-respect, and a mutual commitment shared by every member of the community.
  • Students have the moral responsibility to identify, develop, and use their God-given talents in service to others.
  • Students are capable when given opportunities to be responsible for themselves and their community.
  • With practice and mentoring, and in collaboration with adults, students develop strong, active leadership skills and assume substantial responsibilities for the daily life of the school community. 
  • Students are most successful when they are fully engaged in school programs that challenge both in and out of the classroom; they learn perseverance, the value of hard work, commitment, the ability to deal with frustration and failure as well as success, and the worth of education in and of itself.
  • A safe and hospitable environment, in which individual differences are respected, is essential for students to grow and learn.
  • Students develop their imagination and creativity through the visual, performing, and literary arts as well as through experiential endeavors in the humanities, mathematics, and science.
  • Effective learning begins by meeting students where they are and giving them limitless opportunities to develop their intellect, character, and spirituality.
  • Future opportunities are built on the foundation of the students’ work today.
  • Physical and emotional well-being are essential for a balanced and healthy life.