Rooted Forward: The Strategic Plan for St. Benedict's Prep
In October 2021 work began to identify areas of the St. Benedict’s “ecosystem” that need attention, areas that can be leveraged and areas that offer opportunities for growth. Rooted Forward: The Strategic Plan for St. Benedict’s Prep is based on internal assessments; faculty, board, and alumni input; an institutional climate survey; and research performed by the Joseph C. Cornwall Center for Metropolitan Studies at Rutgers University.
Five strategic priorities with a designated goal for each have been identified. These priorities will guide our future investment of time, effort and resources. They are intentionally, broadly descriptive in nature but include Lines of Effort, subject areas within each strategic priority to focus our follow-up detailed work Our strategic priorities are:
Ministry: Announcing the Gospel Through Prayer and Work
Community: Deepening and Expanding Our Relationships and Connections
Ecosystem: Ensuring Structural and Operational Effectiveness
Endowment: Preserving Legacy Through Endowment Growth
Experience: Advancing Excellence in Teaching and Student Outcomes
To read Rooted Forward: The Strategic Plan for St. Benedict's Prep, click the image below. For more information, or if you have questions, please contact Michael Fazio, chief advancement officer, at